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Get help from people who have been in your shoes

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Are you stuck?

The Problem

Too much advice out there?

 how do you know who to trust?

You hear advice all the time from people who have never been in shoes.

Source Maverick is a platform where we connect you with people who have been in your situation and can actually help you

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Chat with maverick

Maverick is our AI agent that guides you through a questionnaire and builds your query

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Intelligent match making

Based on your query and historical data, it uses AI to bring you a reliable "Source" who can help you.

Review your Source

Maverick knows your Source through their past history on the app and shows you a reputation score

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Sign up to become our tester

Become our early adopter, have contribution is making the app the best suited for your use, and get exclusive benefits for life.

Thanks for signing up!

A Super Real product
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